Little Less Lest | Few Fewer Fewest-1
Little Less Lest | Few Fewer Fewest-1 | Englisch Grammatik
- Little: "Little" is used with uncountable nouns, which are substances or concepts that cannot be counted as individual units.
Examples:- There is little water left in the bottle. (Water is uncountable.)
- She has little patience for incompetence. (Patience is uncountable.)
- He has little money to spare. (Money is uncountable.)
- Few: "Few" is used with countable nouns, which are objects or entities that can be counted as individual units.
Examples:- There are few books on the shelf. (Books are countable.)
- We have few opportunities to meet in person. (Opportunities are countable.)
- Few people attended the meeting. (People are countable.)
"We use "less" when we are referring to a smaller amount or quantity of something. It is the comparative form of "little." For example:
- "I have less money than you."
- "She has less experience in this field."
- "There is less sugar in this recipe."
- "There is less water in the glass." (Water is uncountable.)
- "There are fewer apples in the basket." (Apples are countable.)
However, in informal usage, people often interchange "less" and "fewer," which is considered grammatically incorrect in formal writing."
- Least: "Least" is used when referring to uncountable nouns or to compare qualities that cannot be counted individually.
- "This is the least expensive option." - Fewest: "Fewest" is used when referring to countable nouns or to compare quantities that can be counted individually.
- "He has the fewest apples among his friends"
- "This store has the fewest customers at this time of day."
Examples of all
The waiter had little help yesterday. - Der Kellner hatte gestern wenig Hilfe.
The waiter had less help yesterday than the day before. - Der Kellner hatte gestern weniger Hilfe als am Tag zuvor.
The waiter had the least help on help Sunday. - Der Kellner hatte am Sonntag die wenigste Hilfe.
There were few people to help her with her work. - Es gab nur wenige Menschen, die ihr bei ihrer Arbeit halfen.
There were fewer people to help her with her work than before. - Es gab weniger Leute, die ihr bei ihrer Arbeit helfen konnten als vorher.
There were the fewest people to help her with her work than ever before.- Es gab weniger Leute, die ihr bei ihrer Arbeit halfen als je zuvor.
1. Can you give me
______ cookies, please?
a few
a) a few
b) little
c) fewer
2. There are only
______ students in the classroom today.
a few
a) a few
b) little
c) fewer
3. He has
______ shirts in his suitcase (Koffer).
the fewest
a) the fewest
b) fewer
c) little
4. Of all the flats in the housing block (Wohnsiedlung), they have
______ windows.
the fewest
a) the fewest
b) fewer
c) little
5. It's the
______ crowded park in the city, and the cleanest.
a) little
b) less
c) least
6. This is
______ spicy food on the menu.
the least
a) the least
b) fewer
c) little
7. Of all the students, he has
______ books in his bag.
the least
a) less
b) the least
c) fewest
8. He has been watching tv. Now he has
______ time to finish his homework.
a) less
b) few
c) little
9. Can I have a
______ piece of cake, please?
a) little
b) few
c) lesser
10. He has
______ friends at school than most children.
a) fewer
b) less
c) little
11. There are
______ clouds in the sky today than usual.
a) little
b) less
c) fewer
12. The baby has a
______ toy. It makes him smile when he sees it.
a) little
b) few
c) less
13. She wants to eat
______ sweets/candies because candy is bad for her teeth.
a) fewer
b) less
c) little
14. There is
______ milk in the fridge since Jim moved in.
a) less
b) fewer
c) little
15. This is the
______ expensive shirt in the store.
a) less
b) least
c) little
16. She has the
______ amount of money.
a) least
b) fewer
c) little
17. He has
______ trees in his garden.
the fewest
a) the fewest
b) fewer
c) little
18. She has
______ cookies left in the tin (Bleckdose).
the fewest
a) the fewest
b) fewer
c) little
19. Of all the boxes this box has
______ candles (Kerzen) in it.
the fewest
a) the fewest
b) fewer
c) little
20. There are
______ apples than oranges in the basket.
a) fewer
b) less
c) little
21. She has
______ books than her sister.
a) fewer
b) less
c) little
22. We would like
______ sugar in our tea, please.
a) less
b) fewer
c) little
6. I have a
______ cat. She is small and fluffy.
a) little
b) less
c) few
23. There is a
______ bird in the tree. It sings sweetly.
a) less
b) few
c) little
24. I have a
______ golf balls with me today.
a) few
b) little
c) fewest
25. There are
______ apples on the table.
a few
a) a few
b) little
c) fewer
26. I have
______ money than my friend.
a) little
b) fewer
c) less
27. We need
______ chairs for the smaller table.
a) fewer
b) the least
c) little
28. I have a
______ sister. She is very cute.
a) little
b) few
c) less
29. I need
______ more minutes to finish my homework.
a few
a) a few
b) little
c) fewer