Do & Makes Exercises | Negatives-1
Do & Makes Exercises | Negatives-1 | Englisch Grammatik
- Eine grobe Regel für do lautet wie folgt: "do" für Aktivitäten oder Übungen.
- Eine grobe Regel für "make" lautet: Verwenden Sie "make", wenn Sie etwas Neues schaffen.
- Es gibt keine strikte Regel, die gilt, aber es gibt einige allgemeine Richtlinien, die Ihnen helfen, zwischen "do" und "make" im Englischen zu wählen.
1. Despite their efforts, the new advertising campaign failed to ______ people interested in the product.
a) make
b) do
2. After facing several setbacks, he couldn't ______ in the music business.
make a comeback
a) make a comeback
b) do a comeback
3. Following a mistake, the company failed to ______ to fix the problem.
do any work
a) make any work
b) do any work
4. Despite their efforts, the CEO believed they didn't ______ as well as they could have.
do the job
a) make the job
b) do the job
5. The R&D department didn't ______ before presenting the new product to the CEO.
do a proper test
a) make a proper test (richtige Test)
b) do a proper test
6. During the crisis, the company didn't ______ to protect its reputation.
do anything
a) make anything
b) do anything
7. The sales team didn't ______ to explain the product's special features.
make much of an effort
a) make much of an effort
b) do much of an effort
8. Despite their efforts, the company couldn't ______ with customers unhappy with their services.
make friends
a) make friends
b) do friends
9. The project leader decided not to ______ about the importance of meeting the deadline.
make a statement
a) make a statement
b) do a statement
10. Despite their efforts, the company's attempts to use eco-friendly materials didn't ______ to their sales margin.
make a difference
a) make a difference
b) do a difference