Do & Make Exercises-2
Do & Make Exercises-2 | Englisch Grammatik
- Eine grobe Regel für do lautet wie folgt: "do" für Aktivitäten oder Übungen.
- Eine grobe Regel für "make" lautet: Verwenden Sie "make", wenn Sie etwas Neues schaffen.
- Es gibt keine strikte Regel, die gilt, aber es gibt einige allgemeine Richtlinien, die Ihnen helfen, zwischen "do" und "make" im Englischen zu wählen.
1. With the rising cost of living, it's challenging to ______ (über die Runden zu kommen).
make ends meet
a) Make ends meet
b) Do ends meet
2. During the presentation, she wanted to ______ (ein Argument anbringen) about sustainability.
make a point
a) Make a point
b) Do a point
3. His controversial statement is sure to ______ in the media (in den Medien Wellen schlagen).
make waves
a) Make waves
b) Do waves
4. When in challenging situations, always ______.
do your best
a) Make your best
b) Do your best
5. Adding a bit of oil should ______ (sollte genügen) for that squeaky door.
do the trick
a) Make the trick
b) Do the trick
6. He always ______ (Macht einen Aufstand) about minor issues.
makes a fuss
a) Makes a fuss
b) Does a fuss
7. The final presentation will either ______ (auf Gedeih und Verderb) their business proposal.
make or break
a) Make or break
b) Do or break
8. The wise decision was to ______ with her boss and move forward collaboratively.
make peace
a) Make peace
b) Do peace
9. When she saw the price tag, she had to ______ (sie musste zweimal hinschauen).
do a double take
a) Make a double take
b) Do a double take
10. After the argument, she tried to ______ (wiedergutmachen) by sending flowers.
make amends
a) Make amends
b) Do amends
11. The team decided to work extra hours and ______ (Heu machen, solange die Sonne scheint).
make hay while the sun shines
a) Make hay while the sun shines
b) Do hay while the sun shines
12. Unfortunately, he had to ______ (er musste seine Zeit absitzen) for his involvement in the crime.
do time
a) Make time
b) Do time
13. Could you ______ (einen Gefallen tun) and water my plants while I'm away?
do me a favour
a) Make me a favour
b) Do me a favour
14. Since it's your birthday, you get to ______ (die Ehre übernehmen) of cutting the cake.
do the honours
a) Make the honours
b) Do the honours
15. Let the results ______; our success will speak for itself.
do the talking
a) Make the talking
b) Do the talking
16. After negotiations, they were able to ______ (ein Geschäft abschließen)..
make a deal / do a deal
a) Make a deal
b) Do a deal
17. If you ______, you'll see that it's not cost-effective.
do the math
a) Make the math
b) Do the math
18. He didn't want to face the consequences, so he ______ (Er hat sich aus dem Staub gemacht).
did a runner
a) Made a runner
b) Did a runner
19. Before making any decisions, it's essential to ______.
do your homework
a) Make your homework
b) Do your homework
20. Even small acts of kindness can ______ in someone's life.
make a difference
a) Make a difference
b) Do a difference