Prepositions of time & Place
Prepositions of time & Place | Englisch Grammatik
Here is the revised HTML program with the exercises numbered:
Preposition of Place and Time Exercises
Prepositions of Place
Complete the sentences with the appropriate preposition
1. The cat is ________ the box.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
2. The book is ________ the table.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
3. She is waiting ________ the bus stop.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
4. The dog is ________ the bed.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
5. The plane flew ________ the city.
a. in
b. on
c. over
a. in
b. on
c. over
6. The clouds are ________ the mountains.
a. in
b. on
c. above
a. in
b. on
c. above
7. The treasure is buried ________ the ground.
a. in
b. on
c. below
a. in
b. on
c. below
8. The keys are ________ the drawer.
a. in
b. on
c. inside
a. in
b. on
c. inside
9. The children are playing ________ the house.
a. in
b. on
c. outside
a. in
b. on
c. outside
10. The car is parked ________ the building.
a. in
b. on
c. behind
a. in
b. on
c. behind
11. The cat jumped ________ the table.
a. in
b. on
c. onto
a. in
b. on
c. onto
12. The ball is ________ the car.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
13. The picture is ________ the wall.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
14. The dog is hiding ________ the sofa.
a. in
b. on
c. behind
a. in
b. on
c. behind
15. The kids are playing ________ the park.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
16. There is a bird ________ the tree.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
17. The flowers are ________ the vase.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
18. The shoes are ________ the bed.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
19. The pen is ________ the desk.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
20. The spider is crawling ________ the ceiling.
a. in
b. on
c. under
a. in
b. on
c. under
Prepositions of Time
Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence
21. We'll meet ________ an hour.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
22. The party is ________ Saturday.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
23. She will arrive ________ 9 o'clock.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
24. It rained ________ the night.
a. in
b. on
c. during
a. in
b. on
c. during
25. They studied ________ two hours.
a. in
b. on
c. for
a. in
b. on
c. for
26. He has been waiting ________ morning.
a. in
b. on
c. since
a. in
b. on
c. since
27. They met a week ________.
a. in
b. on
c. ago
a. in
b. on
c. ago
28. The shop is open ________ 9 AM to 5 PM.
a. in
b. on
c. from
a. in
b. on
c. from
29. Finish your homework ________ dinner.
a. in
b. on
c. before
a. in
b. on
c. before
30. She left ________ breakfast.
a. in
b. on
c. after
a. in
b. on
c. after
31. He was born ________ 1990.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
32. We go to the gym ________ Mondays.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
33. The meeting is scheduled ________ 3 PM.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
34. She works best ________ the morning.
a. in
b. on
c. during
a. in
b. on
c. during
35. He will be back ________ a few minutes.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
36. She has been living here ________ 2010.
a. in
b. on
c. since
a. in
b. on
c. since
37. They visited us ________ the holidays.
a. in
b. on
c. during
a. in
b. on
c. during
38. The concert starts ________ 7 PM.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
39. We have lunch ________ noon.
a. in
b. on
c. at
a. in
b. on
c. at
40. They moved here ________ June.
a. in
b. on
c. at
**Suggestions for next steps:**
**a.** Add interactive feedback for correct and incorrect answers to enhance learning.
**b.** Create a reset button to allow users to try the exercise again.a. in
b. on
c. at
Ich habe diese Übungen für meine Schüler erstellt, um sie ein wenig zu fordern. Nachdem sie die ursprüngliche grammatische Zeitform gelernt haben, müssen sie in der Lage sein, zwischen der Zeitform, die sie gerade gelernt haben, und anderen Zeitformen, die sie kennen, zu differenzieren.