Prepositions - Complex Prepositions
Prepositions - Complex Prepositions | Englisch Grammatik
Prepositions - Complex Prepositions Exercise
1. The event was canceled ______ bad weather.
because of
a) instead of (anstatt)
b) because of (wegen)
2. He parked his car ______ the building.
in front of
a) in front of (vor)
b) instead of (anstatt)
3. The train was late ______ technical problems.
owing to
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
4. She chose to stay home ______ going to the party.
instead of
a) instead of (anstatt)
b) in addition to (zusätzlich zu)
5. ______ her fear, she climbed the mountain.
in spite of
a) in spite of (trotz)
b) on account of (wegen)
6. The flight was delayed ______ the heavy fog.
because of
a) because of (wegen)
b) in lieu of (anstatt)
7. She managed to fix the issue ______ creative problem-solving.
by means of
a) by means of (mittels/durch)
b) in front of (vor)
8. ______ his full-time job, he volunteers on weekends.
In addition to
a) in addition to (zusätzlich zu)
b) on top of (auf)
9. He parked his car ______ the building.
in front of
a) instead of (anstatt)
b) in front of (vor)
10. They accepted goods ______ payment.
in lieu of
a) in lieu of (anstatt)
b) because of (wegen)
11. ______ the challenges, they completed the project on time.
In spite of
a) in spite of (trotz)
b) on behalf of (im Namen von)
12. She stayed home ______ going to the party.
instead of
a) instead of (anstatt)
b) in addition to (zusätzlich zu)
13. The event was canceled ______ bad weather.
on account of
a) on top of (auf)
b) on account of (wegen)
14. He spoke ______ the entire team during the meeting.
on behalf of
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) out of (aus)
15. The cat climbed ______ the refrigerator.
on top of
a) on top of (auf)
b) in front of (vor)
16. She acted ______ kindness when she helped the stranger.
out of
a) out of (aus)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
17. The school was closed ______ a power outage.
owing to
a) owing to (aufgrund von)
b) in addition to (zusätzlich zu)
18. The train was late ______ technical problems.
owing to
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
19. ______ today, the new rules will apply.
As of
a) as of (ab)
b) apart from (abgesehen von)
20. She smiled ______ her fear of heights.
in spite of
a) in spite of (trotz)
b) because of (wegen)
21. The car stopped suddenly ______ the house.
in front of
a) in front of (vor)
b) on top of (auf)
22. They offered vouchers ______ cash refunds.
in lieu of
a) in lieu of (anstatt)
b) by means of (mittels/durch)
23. The team solved the puzzle ______ collaboration.
by means of
a) by means of (mittels/durch)
b) on account of (wegen)
24. They made the decision ______ their supervisor’s advice.
according to
a) according to (laut)
b) as of (ab)
25. The trip was canceled ______ unforeseen circumstances.
on account of
a) apart from (abgesehen von)
b) on account of (wegen)
26. The work was completed ______ the project manager.
on behalf of
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
27. She placed the books ______ the shelf.
on top of
a) on top of (auf)
b) instead of (anstatt)
28. He opened the door ______ curiosity.
out of
a) out of (aus)
b) in spite of (trotz)
29. ______ her fear of public speaking, she gave a fantastic presentation.
In spite of
a) in spite of (trotz)
b) because of (wegen)
30. ______ their differences, they became great friends.
Apart from
a) as of (ab)
b) apart from (abgesehen von)
31. She chose to work from home ______ commuting.
instead of
a) instead of (anstatt)
b) in front of (vor)
32. The new rule applies ______ tomorrow.
as of
a) as of (ab)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
33. They communicated effectively ______ technology.
by means of
a) by means of (mittels/durch)
b) in lieu of (anstatt)
34. The decision was made ______ financial constraints.
because of
a) because of (wegen)
b) in spite of (trotz)
35. He acted ______ kindness when he helped his neighbor.
out of
a) out of (aus)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
36. The new policies will take effect ______ next week.
as of
a) according to (laut)
b) as of (ab)
37. The event was successful ______ everyone’s hard work.
on account of
a) on account of (wegen)
b) by means of (mittels/durch)
38. The gift was purchased ______ the committee.
on behalf of
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) on top of (auf)
39. He climbed the ladder ______ the roof.
on top of
a) on top of (auf)
b) in front of (vor)
40. The company succeeded ______ teamwork and dedication.
by means of
a) by means of (mittels/durch)
b) apart from (abgesehen von)
41. ______ her busy schedule, she still found time to volunteer.
In spite of
a) because of (wegen)
b) in spite of (trotz)
42. The law was updated ______ public demand.
because of
a) because of (wegen)
b) on behalf of (im Namen von)
43. The sculpture was created ______ recycled materials.
by means of
a) by means of (mittels/durch)
b) on top of (auf)
44. They moved into the new house ______ last month.
as of
a) as of (ab)
b) owing to (aufgrund von)
45. She stayed positive ______ the setbacks.
in spite of
a) because of (wegen)
b) in spite of (trotz)
46. The room was decorated ______ balloons and lights.
in addition to
a) in addition to (zusätzlich zu)
b) instead of (anstatt)
47. The concert was postponed ______ unforeseen weather conditions.
on account of
a) on account of (wegen)
b) on top of (auf)
48. The letter was written ______ the entire community.
on behalf of
a) on behalf of (im Namen von)
b) apart from (abgesehen von)
49. The chair was placed ______ the desk for convenience.
in front of
a) on top of (auf)
b) in front of (vor)
50. The success was achieved ______ everyone’s hard work.
owing to
a) owing to (aufgrund von)
b) out of (aus)