Zero & 2nd conditional
Zero & 2nd conditional | Englisch Grammatik
1. The company’s latest attempt to create biodegradable plastics has been ______ so far, but they hope to turn things around soon.
a) Unproductive (unproduktiv)
b) Unprofitable (unprofitabel)
c) Unregulated (unreguliert)
2. The plastics manufacturer plans to ______ its products as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastics.
a) Restructure (umstrukturieren)
b) Reinvest (wieder investieren)
c) Rebrand (neu gestalten)
3. The prelaunch campaign generated significant buzz for the upcoming product made from ______ materials.
a) Prepayment (Vorauszahlung)
b) Prelaunch (Vorstart)
c) Recycled (recycelt)
4. A miscommunication in the design team caused the final product to be ______ in several areas.
a) Incomplete (unvollständig)
b) Inaccurate (ungenau)
c) Impossible (unmöglich)
5. The disconnect between the quality control team and production resulted in several ______ items reaching customers.
a) Impossible (unmöglich)
b) Inaccurate (ungenau)
c) Incomplete (unvollständig)
6. The company’s latest expansion project went ______, forcing them to cut costs elsewhere.
a) Overestimate (überschätzen)
b) Overextend (überdehnen)
c) Overbudget (über dem Budget)
7. Due to ______, the new plastics plant struggled to meet its production goals for the quarter.
a) Underutilized (untergenutzt)
b) Underperform (unterperformen)
c) Understaffed (unterbesetzt)
8. The company had to ______ several contractors after discovering their lack of compliance with safety standards.
a) Disengage (lösen)
b) Disconnect (trennen)
c) Disqualify (disqualifizieren)
9. The firm had to ______ some tasks to outside specialists in order to meet the project deadline.
a) Subcontract (Unterauftrag)
b) Subsidiary (Tochtergesellschaft)
c) Subordinate (Untergeordneter)
10. The company’s international expansion strategy included establishing a ______ in several key markets.
a) Subsidiary (Tochtergesellschaft)
b) Subcontract (Unterauftrag)
c) Subordinate (Untergeordneter)
11. The company is exploring new ______ shipping routes to reduce transportation costs.
a) Transaction (Transaktion)
b) Transcontinental (transkontinental)
c) Transfer (Übertragung)
12. The ______ meeting between the research and production teams resulted in significant improvements in product quality.
a) International (international)
b) Interchangeable (austauschbar)
c) Interdepartmental (zwischen den Abteilungen)
13. The new factory’s ______ is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.
a) Supervision (Überwachung)
b) Supervisor (Vorgesetzter)
c) Superstructure (Überbau)
14. The ______ measures introduced by the government helped stabilize the volatile market.
a) Antitrust (Kartellrecht)
b) Antibacterial (antibakteriell)
c) Anti-inflation (antinflationär)
15. The factory's recent ______ implementation has significantly increased production efficiency.
a) Autoresponder (automatische Antwort)
b) Automation (Automatisierung)
c) Autopilot (Autopilot)
16. The company prefers hiring ______ employees to better communicate with international partners.
a) Bimonthly (zweimonatlich)
b) Bilateral (bilateral)
c) Bilingual (zweisprachig)
17. The project’s success was due to excellent ______ between the engineering and design teams.
a) Cooperation (Zusammenarbeit)
b) Co-founder (Mitbegründer)
c) Co-investor (Mitinvestor)
18. The recent economic downturn caused the company’s assets to ______ significantly.
a) Deduct (Abzug)
b) Depreciate (abschreiben)
c) Devalue (abwerten)
19. The company had to ______ the project because it exceeded the budget and timeline.
a) Overestimate (überschätzen)
b) Overextend (überdehnen)
c) Overbudget (über dem Budget)
20. The organization operates as a ______ to focus on charitable activities rather than profit.
a) Nonprofit (gemeinnützig)
b) Noncompliance (Nichtbeachtung)
c) Nonnegotiable (nicht verhandelbar)
21. The marketing team’s ______ campaign helped drive customer interest before the official product launch.
a) Prepayment (Vorauszahlung)
b) Preapproval (Vorabgenehmigung)
c) Prelaunch (Vorstart)
22. The firm’s decision to ______ its operations involved significant changes in management and structure.
a) Restructure (umstrukturieren)
b) Reinvest (wieder investieren)
c) Rebrand (neu gestalten)
23. The company’s ______ strategy involves investing in new technologies to stay competitive.
a) Reinvest (wieder investieren)
b) Restructure (umstrukturieren)
c) Rebrand (neu gestalten)
24. The company’s financial records showed several instances of ______ which led to an internal audit.
a) Miscommunication (Fehlkommunikation)
b) Mismanagement (Fehlverwaltung)
c) Miscalculate (Fehlberechnung)
25. Due to ______ of the available office space, the company decided to rent out part of its premises.
a) Understaffed (unterbesetzt)
b) Underperform (unterperformen)
c) Underutilized (untergenutzt)
- un- (not)
- Unprofitable (unprofitabel) - A business that is not making a profit.
- Unproductive (unproduktiv) - Lacking efficiency or productivity.
- Unregulated (unreguliert) - Not controlled or governed by laws or rules.
- re- (again)
- Restructure (umstrukturieren) - To organize differently to improve efficiency or profits.
- Reinvest (wieder investieren) - To invest profits back into the business.
- Rebrand (neu gestalten) - To change the brand's image or identity.
- pre- (before)
- Prepayment (Vorauszahlung) - Payment made before it is due.
- Preapproval (Vorabgenehmigung) - Approval granted before the final decision.
- Prelaunch (Vorstart) - Activities or marketing done before the official launch.
- dis- (opposite of, not)
- Disconnect (Trennen) - To separate or break the connection.
- Disqualify (disqualifizieren) - To declare someone or something ineligible.
- Disengage (lösen) - To withdraw from a business relationship or activity.
- mis- (wrongly)
- Miscommunication (Fehlkommunikation) - Incorrect or unclear communication.
- Mismanagement (Fehlverwaltung) - Inefficient or careless management.
- Miscalculate (Fehlberechnung) - To calculate or estimate wrongly.
- non- (not)
- Nonprofit (gemeinnützig) - An organization that operates without profit.
- Noncompliance (Nichtbeachtung) - Failure to comply with regulations or rules.
- Nonnegotiable (nicht verhandelbar) - Not open to discussion or modification.
- over- (too much)
- Overbudget (über dem Budget) - Exceeding the planned budget.
- Overextend (überdehnen) - Taking on too much risk or work.
- Overestimate (überschätzen) - Estimating something to be larger or more significant than it is.
- under- (too little, below)
- Understaffed (unterbesetzt) - Not having enough employees.
- Underperform (unterperformen) - Performing below expectations.
- Underutilized (untergenutzt) - Not fully utilizing resources or capacities.
- in- / im- (not, into)
- Incomplete (unvollständig) - Lacking something necessary to be whole.
- Inaccurate (ungenau) - Not correct or precise.
- Impossible (unmöglich) - Not able to be done or achieved.
- sub- (under, below)
- Subcontract (Unterauftrag) - A contract given by a main contractor to a third party.
- Subsidiary (Tochtergesellschaft) - A company controlled by another company.
- Subordinate (Untergeordneter) - A person who is lower in rank or position.
- trans- (across, beyond)
- Transaction (Transaktion) - The action of conducting business or exchanging goods.
- Transfer (Übertragung) - Moving something from one place to another.
- Transcontinental (transkontinental) - Extending across continents.
- inter- (between, among)
- International (international) - Involving more than one country.
- Interdepartmental (zwischen den Abteilungen) - Between different departments of a company.
- Interchangeable (austauschbar) - Able to be exchanged or replaced with something else.
- super- (above, beyond)
- Supervisor (Vorgesetzter) - A person who oversees and directs work.
- Supervision (Überwachung) - The act of managing or directing.
- Superstructure (Überbau) - The upper structure of a building or system.
- anti- (against, opposite)
- Antitrust (Kartellrecht) - Laws that promote competition and prevent monopolies.
- Antibacterial (antibakteriell) - Preventing the growth of bacteria.
- Anti-inflation (antinflationär) - Measures to counteract inflation.
- auto- (self)
- Automation (Automatisierung) - The use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention.
- Autoresponder (automatische Antwort) - An automatic email response system.
- Autopilot (Autopilot) - A system used to control the path of a vehicle without constant input from a human.
- bi- (two)
- Bilingual (zweisprachig) - Able to speak two languages fluently.
- Bimonthly (zweimonatlich) - Occurring every two months.
- Bilateral (bilateral) - Involving two sides, typically in an agreement between two countries or parties.
- co- (together)
- Cooperation (Zusammenarbeit) - Working together toward a common goal.
- Co-founder (Mitbegründer) - A person who helps to start a company with others.
- Co-investor (Mitinvestor) - A person or entity that invests alongside others.
- de- (down, away, reverse)
- Devalue (abwerten) - To reduce the value of something, especially currency.
- Deduction (Abzug) - An amount that is subtracted from income or a total.
- Depreciate (abschreiben) - To decrease in value over time, often used in accounting for assets.
- ex- (out of, away from)
- Export (Export) - To send goods or services to another country for sale.
- Exclude (ausschließen) - To deliberately leave out or reject something or someone.
- Expatriate (Auswanderer) - A person who lives outside their native country, often for work.
- multi- (many)
- Multinational (multinational) - A company operating in multiple countries.
- Multitask (multitasking) - To perform multiple tasks at the same time.
- Multipurpose (Mehrzweck) - Designed to be used for several different functions.