Prefixes Other Common
Prefixes Other Common | Englisch Grammatik
Other Common Prefixes
Additional Prefixes in This Category
- be-: thoroughly, make
- Examples: befriend, belittle, bedeck
- fore-: before, in front of
- Examples: forecast, forehead, forewarn
- tele-: distant
- Examples: telescope, television, telecommunication
- vice-: in place of
- Examples: vice-president, viceroy, vice-principal
- pan-: all, entire
- Examples: panorama, pandemic, pantheon
Additional Prefixes in This Category
- ambi-: both, around
- Examples: ambidextrous, ambivalent, ambiance
- amphi-: both, around
- Examples: amphibian, amphitheater
- peri-: around
- Examples: perimeter, periscope, peripheral
- poly-: many
- Examples: polygon, polyglot, polytheism
- multi-: many
- Examples: multilingual, multifaceted, multicolored
- auto-: self
- Examples: autobiography, automobile, automatic
- semi-: half, partly
- Examples: semicircle, semifinal, semiconscious
- macro-: large
- Examples: macroscopic, macroeconomics
- micro-: small
- Examples: microscope, microchip, microorganism
- geo-: earth
- Examples: geography, geology, geothermal