Am/ Is/ Are
Am/ Is/ Are | Englisch Grammatik
English Exercise: Practice is/are/am
Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.
1. He ______ the goalkeeper in the team. is
2. She ______ fast and agile on the court. is
3. It ______ a popular sport in Europe. is
4. You ______ allowed to take three steps. are
5. We ______ excited to play handball today. are
6. They ______ ready to start the match. are
7. He ______ in the crease to block shots. is
8. She ______ skilled at passing the ball. is
9. It ______ a fun and energetic game. is
10. You ______ part of a great team. are
11. We ______ practicing to improve our skills. are
12. They ______ the champions of the tournament. are
13. He ______ the team's top scorer. is
14. She ______ very good at defending. is
15. It ______ played with a small ball. is
16. You ______ allowed to make substitutions anytime. are
17. We ______ learning the rules of handball. are
18. They ______ competing in the national league. are
19. He ______ always quick to react. is
20. She ______ the captain of the team. is